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Key industries we serve include:

Trust & Safety Platform

Review platforms

Trust & Safety Platform


Trust & Safety Platform

Dating apps

Trust & Safety Platform

Online communities

use cases

Which challenge do you want to solve?

Our AI fraud prevention platform enables you to take action against multiple threats in real time, protecting your users and your revenue.

Fake account detection

Fake accounts dupe your users, exposing them to multiple risks. They are at the root of the majority of harmful behavior online. From romance scams on dating apps, to counterfeit products on marketplaces, fraudsters hide themselves behind fake profiles.

Fake review detection

Fake reviews mislead consumers, harm honest businesses, and damage platforms’ reputations. Influencing $152 billion in sales globally in 2021, fake reviews are a lucrative business for bad actors and a growing concern for law-abiding businesses.

Counterfeit goods detection

The total amount of counterfeit goods sold each year runs into the trillions of dollars. They put consumers at risk, are often carried out by fraud rings and can even fund organized crime.

Scam detection

Scams are on the rise. They cause huge financial, emotional and psychological harm. From romance fraud to recruitment scams, fraudsters continually look to exploit loopholes for their financial gain.


Pasabi delivers continual platform monitoring to identify patterns of bad behaviour as they emerge


Who should you trust?
Benefit from our vast store of reputational data


Are there connections between users?
Cluster data to highlight suspicious patterns within your data


Are interactions natural and authentic? Improve your analysis capabilities by leveraging our machine learning model and scoring engine


Trust and safety insights

Browse our blog to deep dive on industry news, current trends, product announcements and more.

You Don’t Have a Fake Review Problem, You’ve Got a Fake Accounts Problem

You Don’t Have a Fake Review Problem, You’ve Got a Fake Accounts Problem

Whether you’re looking to crack down on fake reviews, scams or counterfeit, you’re ultimately talking about fake accounts.

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Is Selling Counterfeit Goods Illegal?

Is Selling Counterfeit Goods Illegal?

The sale of counterfeit products has become a staggering global issue. Find out whether it is illegal and the measures that can be taken.

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How to Spot a Scam | 5 Common Online Marketplace Scams

5 Common Online Marketplace Scams

Are scammers directing users away from your online marketplace? Discover the common scams to look out for, and how our detection solution can help.

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Are Fake Reviews Illegal? | FTC Fake Reviews

Are Fake Reviews Illegal?

Are fake reviews illegal? Governments around the world are taking action against the harmful effects of fake reviews. Here’s what you need to know.

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What is Trust and Safety? | Trust and Safety Team

What is Trust and Safety?

What is Trust and Safety? Read this article to discover the critical role a Trust and Safety Team plays in keeping users safe from threats online.

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Learn how we can help

Our Fraud Prevention Platform can support your efforts to tackle bad actors, fake reviews, fake accounts and counterfeit products at scale.