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Scam Detection

Detect scam activity directing users away from your platform to ensure they stay safely within your environment.

scam detection

Scams can cheat victims of their money, ruin people’s lives and destroy confidence in your platform

scam detection

Everyone is a target

  • Scams can affect everyone, young and old
  • Fraudsters have no morals, potentially running multiple scams at once
scam detection

Exposes users to harm

  • Once diverted off your platform, users lose the safeguards you provide

scam detection

Many layers of risk

  • Some scams pose multiple threats - e.g. recruitment scams where people unknowingly apply for fake jobs and are trafficked to become scammers


Pasabi's scam detection spots the key risk signals of scammer behavior

Find and remove scammers to keep your users and platform safe

scam detection

Understand the scale

Insights into user behaviors on your platform enables you to see the size of the challenge

scam detection

Fraud ring identification

Our cluster technology uncovers patterns in the data to identify connected accounts and fraud rings selling counterfeit goods

scam detection

Continual monitoring

Spot emerging threats as they arise to prevent scam activity

scam detection

Enforce with confidence

Get the evidence you need to take effective action to keep your platform and users safe


Pasabi's scam detection leverages behavioral, reputational and network data

scam detection
Leverage our platform and data to remove scam
scam detection
Reduce manual effort with end-to-end automation
scam detection
Enforce at scale and avoid whack-a-mole

Related knowledge

How to Spot a Scam | 5 Common Online Marketplace Scams

5 Common Online Marketplace Scams

Are scammers directing users away from your online marketplace? Discover the common scams to look out for, and how our detection solution can help.

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Preventing Scams in The Sharing Economy

Preventing Scams in The Sharing Economy

Sharing economy scams are on the rise. Discover the 5 common scams to look out for, and how to protect your platform's users from these scams.

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Dating App Scams | Dating App Scammers

Love at a Cost: The Rise of Dating App Scams

Learn about the deceptive practices used by dating app scammers, and how AI technology can be employed to prevent these fraudsters.

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Pig Butchering Scams - What is a Pig Butchering Scam?

What is a Pig Butchering Scam?

What is a Pig Butchering Scam? Discover the dangers of Pig Butchering scams and how to safeguard your platform.

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Explore more fraud detection solutions

Fake account detection

Find the bad actors using fake accounts to defraud your users and exploit your reputation 

Fake review detection

Eliminate fake reviews and identify businesses using review brokers 

Counterfeit goods detection

Rid your platform of harmful and illegal fake goods to deliver a safer user experience