The Growing Threat of Military Romance Scams

Written by
Harriet O'Connor
Jul 24, 2024
What is a Military Romance Scam? | Military Romance Scams

Imagine connecting with someone online and thinking you’ve met the love of your life, only to discover that the relationship is a sophisticated scam... 

This is the harsh reality of military romance scams, a growing threat on dating apps and social media platforms. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported $143 million in losses from military scams in 2020 alone​ and The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) highlighted that romance scams, including military ones, ranked as the second costliest type of fraud in 2021​. 

This article explores the nature of military romance scams, their warning signs, and how advanced AI technology can detect these scammers by identifying fake accounts.

What are military romance scams?

Military romance scams involve fraudsters pretending to be military members to initiate romantic relationships online. They manipulate emotions and devastate victims both financially and emotionally, often leading to severe psychological distress and significant financial losses. 

Often using stolen photos and details of real military personnel, these scammers create convincing fake profiles on dating apps and social media. They then fabricate urgent needs, such as emergencies or travel expenses, to extract money from their victims.

These scammers exploit the inherent trust people have in military personnel, leveraging their perceived authority, bravery, and honor to build a convincing facade. Their targets are often individuals who are lonely or emotionally vulnerable, making them prime targets for scammers who quickly build emotional connections and manipulate their feelings.

The most common types of military romance scam

  • Deployment scams: Scammers pose as military personnel deployed in conflict zones and request money for leave or travel expenses to return home. They create urgency and leverage the victim's emotions to secure funds.
  • Medical emergency scams: Scammers claim to be injured soldiers needing money for medical treatment or evacuation from a dangerous area. They often provide fake documents or photos to support their story.
  • Parcel delivery scams: The scammer says they sent valuable items that are stuck in customs, requesting money to cover customs fees or bribes for release. They build trust first by sharing fabricated stories about their service.
  • Leave application scams: Scammers claim they need money to process their military leave or to bribe commanding officers to grant leave. They use military jargon and fake documents to seem credible.
  • Ransom scams: Scammers pretend to have been kidnapped or are in danger, asking for ransom money to ensure their safety. They use threats and emotional appeals to create panic and urgency.

A notorious case involves Bryan Denny, a retired U.S. Army colonel whose photos have been used repeatedly by scammers. These fraudsters typically claim to be widowers on humanitarian missions in the Middle East, needing money for their son’s medical care due to an accident. This compelling story has unfortunately led many victims to send money, believing they are helping a deployed soldier and his family​.

Recognizing the warning signs

Spotting the red flags of military romance scams can save potential victims from heartbreak and financial loss:

  1. Requests for money: Any plea for financial help, especially for travel or emergencies, is a significant warning sign.
  2. Rapid declarations of love: Scammers often express love quickly to manipulate their victims emotionally.
  3. Language discrepancies: Many scammers are not native English speakers, resulting in messages with grammatical errors and unusual phrases.
  4. Inconsistent stories: Details that don’t add up or frequently change are red flags.
  5. Shifting communication platforms: Scammers often move conversations to private channels like email or messaging apps to avoid detection.

Educating users of your platform about the risks and signs of military romance scams is crucial. Platforms can provide resources and tips on recognizing and avoiding these tricks, to create an informed user base that is less likely to fall victim to military romance scams. 

What is a Military Romance Scam? | Military Romance Scams

How can we detect military romance ccams?

Identifying and eliminating the fake accounts behind these fabricated identities is crucial in combating military romance scams effectively.

Pasabi’s advanced AI and behavioral analytics technology specializes in detecting fake accounts. Here’s how:

  1. Behavioral analysis: Our AI analyzes user behavior for patterns indicative of fraudulent activity, such as unusual frequencies and timings of messages and the nature of interactions.
  2. Repository data check: Cross-referencing profile information with our repository of known bad actors helps Pasabi identify fake accounts behind fake profiles.
  3. Metadata examination: By scrutinizing metadata such as IP addresses, device information, and location data, we can spot inconsistencies that suggest fraudulent activity.
  4. Network detection: Pasabi detects groups of connected accounts working together to perpetrate scams, revealing networks of fraudsters.
What is a Military Romance Scam? | Military Romance Scams

Through continuous monitoring of these factors, Pasabi provides platforms with a holisitc picture of account authenticity. This not only helps in detecting scams but also builds user trust. When users feel safe, they are more likely to engage positively with the platform and recommend it to others too. 

Are you interested in fortifying your platform against military romance scams? Contact Pasabi today to learn how we can help you safeguard your platform.

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